酒探鄧斯坦 Dustan Vintner Ltd.|碩果室內設計
DECO TV 2022-09-07 10:45
撰文者 - DECO TV 編輯部
資料暨圖片提供 - 碩果室內設計
酒探鄧斯坦 Dustan Vintner Ltd.
This case is single-residential planning in a commercial office building. The main functions of the space are mainly three units: the wine storage and display area where we have calculated the floor load in advance, the bar area where visitors are received in peacetime, and the comfortable wine tasting area with privacy and landscape.
全區動線設定簡潔直觀,前半段刻意壓低場域色溫,包括天花板噴黑,有助於忽略兩側倉儲存在感,並結合直軸對稱櫃體、象徵能招來幸運的雙馬蹄鐵 LOGO、局部木格造型天花板和聚焦光源等,將主視覺引向後端吧檯區。
The dynamic line setting of the whole area is plain and intuitive. The first half deliberately lowers the color temperature of the field. It included black spraying on the ceiling, which helps to ignore the sense of storage on both sides. Combined with the vertical straight axis symmetry cabinet, the double horseshoe logo that symbolizes luck, the local wooden lattice ceiling, and the focused light source, the primary vision can direct to the back-end bar area.
穿過吧台兩側鏡門,即進入刻意隱匿的 VIP 專用品酒區。設計上透過截斷式情境轉換,引導貴客從初入的密閉空間,進入另一個豁朗天地,目光穿過連續大窗遠眺山巒疊翠,靠牆另設置大型木質酒架與恆溫酒櫃,別有一番離塵隱世的會所情懷。品酒區地面採魚骨拼接深色木地板、紫絲絨沙發加上牆面褐金色棕櫚葉的立體圖案,跌宕多元文化的層次感,無形中宛如海島度假的悠閒與低奢高級感也油然而生。
Go through the mirror doors on both sides of the bar and enter the VIP tasting area, which is deliberately hidden. In the design, we used the truncated situational transition to guide the guests from the confined space that they first entered, into another open world, pass through the mirror doors on both sides of the bar, and then enter the deliberately hidden VIP tasting area. We also set a large wooden wine rack and a constant temperature wine cabinet against the wall, giving customers a secret club sense of remote from life. In the wine tasting area, we used fish bones on the ground, dark wood floors, purple velvet sofas, and three-dimensional patterns of brown and golden palm leave on the wall. We hoped that the ups and downs of multi-cultural layering, invisibly like an island vacation, the leisure and low-luxury sense of luxury pregnancy.
來源:《DECO TV》9 月
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