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Largan 's JAN19-JUN19 net profit grew by 21.9% YoY

鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵 2019-07-11 18:02

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Largan 's JAN19-JUN19 net profit grew by 21.9% YoY.

Largan (3008-TW) held an investors conference and announced its 2Q19 earnings report today on July 11st. The company’s 2Q19 net profit was NTD6.551bn (+29.6% QoQ) with EPS of NTD48.84. Its JAN19-JUN19 net profit was NTD11.605bn (+21.9% YoY) with EPS of NTD86.51.

Largan’s 2Q19 consolidated revenue was NTD14.081bn. Its 2Q19 gross profit was NTD9.799bn and its GM 69.6%. Its 2Q19 operating profit was NTD8.517bn. Its 2Q19 net profit was NTD6.551bn with EPS of NTD48.84, increased QoQ, compared with its 1Q19 EPS of NTD37.67.

The company’s JAN19-JUN19 consolidated revenues was NTD23.910bn. Its JAN19-JUN19 gross profit was NTD16.11bn and GM was 67.4%. Its JAN19-JUN19 operating profit was NTD13.751. Its JAN19-JUN19 net profit was NTD11.605 billion yuan with EPS of NTD86.51.





