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快又讚 高雄機場外來人口快速查驗7-10秒完成

鉅亨網新聞中心 2016-11-10 16:31



The National Immigration Agency (NIA, Ministry of the Interior) collaborated with Kaohsiung International Airport to install two fast track e-Gates to speed up departure customs on July 1st 2016. The two new e-Gates have begun a trial run, utilizing biometrics to verify travelers’ identity. Foreigners departing the country don’t need to wait for a long line any more during the clearance services.

NIA invites Wu Fong, famous travel show host to experience this wonderful service. Wu Fong tells us that this is really an amazing and considerate.

內政部移民署於 2016 年 7 月 1 日,在高雄國際機場建置 2 座「外來人口快速查驗閘門」,並試營運,這是運用生物特徵識別旅客身分,輔助確認人別身分,提供的便捷通關服務,使欲離境的外來旅客,不再需要費時等待通關查驗。日前移民署邀請來自土耳其的知名旅遊節目主持人吳鳳實際前往體驗,吳鳳認為這項服務對外國人來說,真是太貼心了!

▲Travel Show Host Wu Fong experiences e-Gate at Kaohsiung International Airport. (photo/NOWnews)

Having been to a dozen of countries, Wu Fong is pretty impressed with the size, the globalization and convenience of Dubai and Hong Kong Airports. He believes that once Taiwan sets up e-Gate for foreigners, it will impress them with Taiwan’s passion and efforts as well. So far, e-Gate service has been adopted in US., Australia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong. E-Gate is time-saving for it can effectively verify travelers’ ID. This way, passing the e-Gate is just like passing the MRT gate; it’s quick, easy, and convenient.

吳鳳曾遊歷十幾個國家,對於杜拜機場、香港機場的面積廣大、國際化與便捷感到滿意,他相信臺灣設置外來人口快速通關閘門,也能夠讓其他的外來旅客對臺灣的熱情與用心感到印象深刻。目前世界上共有美國、澳洲、日本、韓國、新加坡、香港等地已提供自動查驗通關的服務,由於 e-Gate 可疏解查驗櫃檯旅客等候時間,外來人口個人生物特徵識別系統能有效採擷、比對旅客的高識別特性,結合這 2 項科技特性,除了能夠加快旅客通關的速度,準確識別旅客身分,讓旅客出入國境就像搭捷運一樣便利。

▲Now we have 2 e-Gates at the Kaohsiung International Airport for outbound foreign travelers.(photo/NOWnews)

The new e-Gates are for the exclusive use of short-term foreign travelers aged 14 and older — including those from China, Hong Kong and Macau — enabling them to clear immigration automatically when they leave the nation. Foreign travelers do not have to apply for the service, but they are required to have their fingerprints taken when they enter Taiwan to be eligible to use it when they depart. It’s easy to get a safe, high quality, and convenient service. The whole process takes only 7-10 seconds.

使用外來人口快速通關閘門相當簡單,凡是年滿 14 歲之外國人、臺灣地區無戶籍國民、大陸地區人民、香港及澳門居民等,不需申請即可使用。只要這些旅客在入境時完成指紋特徵採集,即可於出境時享受到 e-Gate 的安全與便捷,一般情況下通關僅需 7 至 10 秒。

After the trial run in Kaohsiung, the new service is to be expanded to other major airports in Taiwan, including Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, the nation’s main international gateway, starting early next year. The new service is expected to be fully established at all major airports in Taiwan by the end of 2018. It’s not only for saving travelers time when clearing immigration, but also help them enjoy the beauty and fun of Taiwan.

目前內政部移民署將依據「外來人口快速查驗服務閘門」在高雄國際機場試辦成效,陸續在臺灣各主要入出境機場、港口開始推廣建置,普及這項便利的服務,預計在 2018 年底全面建置完成,讓外來旅客能多利用時間體驗臺灣之美。


快速查驗 都是為了多留連熱情台灣的時間! E-Gate, to gain more time for you to wander in our passionate Taiwan!


