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中國的人民幣 世界人民的貨幣

鉅亨網新聞中心 2015-10-14 20:04

中國的人民幣 世界人民的貨幣
























RMB – The People’s Currency of The World

Dear fellow alumni of Renmin University of China, friends fromindustry, public institutions, media andacademia, friends from New York, the rest of US, China and the rest of theworld, Ladies and gentlemen, good morning!

First of all, on behalf of International Monetary Institute (“IMI”)and on behalf of President CHEN of Renmin University of China, I would like toextend to all of you our warmest welcome to the Forum on RMBInternationalization here in New York. To all of you who travelled from Chinaor other parts of the world, a special welcome to New York!

RMB Internationalization has been a hot topic both in China andinternationally since 2009, the year when China started allowing thecross-border usage of RMB in trade and finance. Since 2012, we at InternationalMonetary Institute have been publishing annual reports on RMBInternationalization, capturing the big trends, the progresses RMB has made andthe hindrances it faces in its broader adoption by the international community.We also held various forums in China, notably in Beijing on this subject. Butwe know from the beginning that RMB Internationalization is NOT just a Chineseinitiative, it is an opportunity for the global community and thereforerequires the joint undertaking of both China and the rest of the world to havethe common understanding, acceptance and adoption of RMB as an alternativecomplementing the existing global financial and monetary system.? In this connection, we have held variousforums in Beijing and other parts of China, including Hong Kong on this importantsubject. We also started going abroad, holding what we sometimes called “RMBRoadshows”, in other countries. Last year, in partnership with Bank ofCommunication and OMFIF in London and Gothe University in Frankfurt, we went toLondon and Frankfurt for similar events there, and our representatives alsowere invited to speak on several forums in Latin American and Africa. Lastmonth we collaborated with the Chinese central bank and held an event inAlmaty, Kazakstan. Today we are gathering here in New York, the capital ofglobal finance and US Dollar, to discuss about this same important subject!What are we here to achieve? The Forum is NOT meant to teach anybody about thesubject as teaching would imply that we know a lot more than you do about the subject!Granted that we know a bit more but not that more so we are not qualified asthe teacher here, that is why we are not charging any tuition or fee for thisevent. We are NOT here to defend RMB Internationalization or China’s positioneither, like testifying in front of the congress or defending a thesis for PhDdegree, as I did 21 years ago in this country. So what are we here for? We arehere to share what we know and what we do not know; secondly we are here tolisten and hear what you all have to say about the subject, suggestions andconcerns; and lastly we are here to address some of your questions andconcerns, if we can.

Why do China undertake the so-called RMB Internationalizationinitiative? People start focusing on the real motives behind it. Many peoplewill give you various and different answers. When they confront this subject,most, if not all of them, will also compare China’s rising power with thepossibly declining fortune of the United States, as if RMB Internationalizationwere a bilateral matter between US and China, as if it were a zero-sum gamebetween the two currencies, as if the internationalization of RMB would benecessarily good for China and inevitably be bad for US$.

I do not know how to answer or explain the above, but let me sharewith you the following that we often hear:

China is a dominant producer in many industries. Steel, cement,copper, automotive vehicles, TV sets, microwave oven, air-conditioners,refrigerators, washing machines, shoes… the list goes on, it is safe to saythat in any industry that produces tangible and touchable goods, we are almostalways the unrivalled leader.

We are also the largest trade nation. Today China is the biggestexport market for 43 countries, in 1994, only two countries exported more toChina than any other market.? Incomparison, today America is the biggest export market for 32 countries, whilethe number was 44 in 1994.

We also have the largest foreign exchange reserve that we are stillactively looking for good ways to deploy. In terms of GDP, some reports alreadysuggest that China is the world No 1 already, representing 17% of the worldwith America’s share standing at 16%, though based on the prevailing exchangerate, China only represents 14% of the world’s total, while US stands at 23%.

Not surprisingly there have been some anxiety and even fear here inthe US about China’s rise and RMB internationalization, which are perceived asserious threats. But allow me share other side of the story! Based on a recentEconomist survey, America’s leadership in a number of fields paints a totallydifferent picture.

US has 15 of the world’s20 leading universities;

Hollywood and SiliconValley dominate the world’s box offices and venture capital financing

In the so-called “new era”based on the cloud, e-commerce, social media and the sharing economy, Americanfirms now host 61% of the world’s social-media users, undertake 91% of itssearches and invented the operating systems of 99% of its smartphone users.

America has increased itsleadership in global finance and the world monetary system. The global marketshare of Wall Street investment banks has risen to 50%. American fund managersrun 55% of the world’s assets under management, up from 44% a decade ago.

At IMI, we have compiled an internationalization index: CurrencyInternationalization Index (CII)! Based on our calculation USD remains thedominant currency while Chinese RMB, despite some encouraging progress over thepast few years, represent a less than 3% market share, measured in itscomposite usage in trade, finance and reserve currencies.

Why is it so? Why is there such a big disconnect between China’sleadership of the so-called traditional real economy and dwarf in finance andnew economy? Is it because of the unfair incumbent system? Is there aconspiracy by the West? In the meantime, people in the West also wonder: is RMBinternationalization China’s conspiracy to topple the US$, an effort todominate the global financial system just like the USD has done? Would RMB Internationalizationnecessarily mean the decline of USD as a global currency? Will it bad for theUS? How can we ensure that the rise of the RMB will complement the unbalancedglobal system we have? How far should RMB Internationalization go?

We do not have the answers to all these questions, but hopefullytoday’s conference will help us have some answers, clarify some of themisunderstandings and mitigate some concerns.

We have a great program today featuring some of the prominentopinion leaders, policy advisors and industry practitioners in this field.

Before we commence the official program, let me say a few wordsabout Renmin University of China and IMI. Renmin University of China, meaningliterally, People’s University of China, is the university equivalent ofPeople’s Bank of China – the central bank, while RMB literally means “people’scurrency”.? Renmin University is thefirst university founded by the Chinese communist party in 1937, when all-outSino-Japanese War broke out.? IMI,officially founded in 2009, traced its origin to 2007, when we started thefirst roundtable event. It has since established itself as a leading Chineseresearch institution in the area of global financial system and RMBinternationalization.

Renmin University and IMI were founded with certain idealism. Thesame can be said about RMB internationalization. But we know RMBInternationalization is complex. It is not a domestic China initiative orSino-US bilateral matter, the stakeholder countries go beyond just China or US.? It is not just a monetary or financial oreconomic matter, it involves technology, politics, diplomacy as well as legaland global governance issues.? ThereforeRMB Internationalization will be a complex process ad long journey as well. Butas the old Chinese saying: “a journey of one thousand miles starts with thefirst footstep”, we are confident that what we have done and are doing todaywill represent more than the first footstep. Less than ten years ago, very fewpeople outside China knew of RMB – the people’s currency, today a lot of peopleknow that and have started using them for exchanges, trade and finance. Maybeone day RMB will become the people’s currency, not just in China, but globally.

Thank you! I wish you all a wonderful morning.

