鉅亨網新聞中心 2016-08-11 10:10
作者:Darren Chu, Founder of Tradable Patterns
這篇文章已被翻譯成中文。原英文作者為DarrenChu, TradablePatterns 創建人。如英文版本和中文版本之間有任何不一致,以英文版本為准。
This article is from TradablePatterns and is being posted with Tradable Patterns』 permission. The viewsexpressed in this article are solely those of the author and/or TradablePatterns and IB is not endorsing or recommending any investment or tradingdiscussed in the article. This material is not and should not be construed asan offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security. To theextent that this material discusses general market activity, industry or sectortrends or other broad based economic or political conditions, it should not beconstrued as research or investment advice. To the extent that it includesreferences to specific securities, commodities, currencies, or otherinstruments, those references do not constitute a recommendation to buy, sellor hold such security. This material does not and is not intended to take intoaccount the particular financial conditions, investment objectives orrequirements of individual customers. Before acting on this material, youshould consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and,as necessary, seek professional advice.