蒙代爾:美聯儲QE退出為時尚早 可能會導致不好的后果
鉅亨網新聞中心 2013-09-06 11:55
JRJ:According your observation, the US is accelerating the pays of QE debt. And what the do impact for real on the global economy and China’s financial debt?
Mundell:what i heard latest is that both china and US reserve continue QE3, in concern of hot capital money about 85 million dollars increasing to 1 trillion a year. And the question is that when they are slowing it down at times ,not increasing at the same moment . They should slow it down in September, the meeting September. But i hope they don’t ,because i think it’s premature and it may cause bad things when they slow it down the rating ,exclusive QE3,not only the same thing in us and Europe,but also in some other emerging marketing countries.
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