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鉅亨網新聞中心 2014-12-02 20:57

新浪財經訊 北京時間12月2日晚間消息,不管你是剛剛開始投資,還是從事結構化衍生品工作,《巴菲特股東信》都值得一讀,以下為本書的一些精彩內容。

On Nailing It


“近似的正確好過精確的錯誤。 ”

“It is better to be approximately right than precisely wrong”

On Chasing


“What the wise do in the beginning, fools do in the end”


On Accounting Shenanigans (1/10,000)



“If options aren’t a form of compensation, what are they? If compensation isn’t an expense, what is it? And, if expenses shouldn’t go into the calculation of earnings, where in the world should they go?”

On Declining Share Prices



“Overall, Berkshire and its long-term shareholders benefit from a sinking stock market as much as a regular purchaser of food benefits from declining food prices. So when the market plummets- as it will from time to time- neither panic nor mourn. It’s good news for Berkshire。”

On Management



“Managements that say or imply during a public offering that their stock is undervalued are usually being economical with the truth or uneconomical with their existing shareholders’ money”


“We want our managers to think about what counts, not how it will be counted”

On Executive Compensation


Getting fired can produce a particularly bountiful payday for a CEO. Indeed he can “earn” more in that single day, while cleaning out his desk, than an American worker earns in a lifetime of cleaning toilets. Forget the old maxim about nothing succeeding like success: Today, in the executive suite, the all-too prevalent rule is that nothing succeeds like failure。


On Efficient Markets



“Most institutional investors in the early 1970s, on the other hand, regarded business value as of only minor relevance when they were deciding prices at which they would buy or sell. This now seems hard to believe. However, these institutions were then under the spell of academics at prestigious business schools who were preaching a newly-fashioned theory: the stock market was totally efficient, and therefore calculations of business value- and even thought, itself- were of no more importance in investment activities. (We are enormously indebted to those academics: what could be more advantageous in an intellectual contest- whether it be bridge, chess, or stock selection- then to have opponents who have been taught that thinking is a waste of energy?)



“大肆宣揚EBITDA極其有害。使用EBITDA意味僅僅因為折舊費用是一種“非現金”減計,就可以把折舊不作為一種真實的費用。這完全是胡扯。實際上,折舊是一項特別不引人注目的費用, 因為和折舊相關的現金支出早在取得的固定資還未為企業獲利之前就已經預先支付。想像一下,如果你願意,今年年初就預先支付公司所有員工未來十年工作的所有薪酬,那麼,在接下來的9年,薪酬將變成非現金支出,作為今年已經預先支付現金買入的資的折舊。在這種狀況下有誰會爭論從第2年到第10年這9年賬上所記錄的折舊費用只不過是記賬形式而已?”

“Trumpeting EBITDA is a particularly pernicious practice. Doing so implies that depreciation is not truly an expense, given that it is a “non-cash” charge. That’s nonsense. In truth, depreciation is a particularly unattractive expense because the cash outlay it represents is paid upfront, before the asset acquired has delivered any benefits to the business. Imagine, if you will, that at the beginning of this year a company paid all of its employees for the next ten years of their service. In the following nine years, compensation would be a “non-cash” expense- a reduction of a pre paid compensation asset established this year. Would anyone care to argue that the recording of the expense in years two through ten would be simply a bookkeeping formality?”

On Reading



“Charlie and I love newspapers- we each read five a day。

