鉅亨網新聞中心 2014-11-14 17:23
adrian gostick 湯森路透金融市場及風險管理中國區總裁
和訊股票訊 湯森路透starmine全球券商及賣方分析師評選始於1998年,是全球機構投資者廣為認可的對全球股票分析師進行專業評選的權威機構。該獎項一直以來秉承客觀、公正的立場,為中國及全球金融市場提供可信賴的數據分析和評級。湯森路透starmine全球分析師評選采用“定量跟蹤,客觀評估”的方式,基於湯森路透 i/b/e/s數據,跟蹤分析師上一年度推薦買入或賣出股票的回報率及其盈利預測的準確度,對參選分析師進行客觀的排名。
2014年湯森路透投資論壇及starmine全球分析師頒獎典禮在北京舉行,adrian gostick 湯森路透金融市場及風險管理中國區總裁致開幕詞:
dear friends, ladies and gentlemen,
it’s my pleasure to welcome you today to the 2014 thomson reuters’ starmine analyst awards ceremony. it’s great to be here in beijing under such beautiful blue skies!
thomson reuters business is all about helping our customers make better decisions. better decisions to manage their risk. and better investment decisions. the thomson reuters starmine analyst ratings are a powerful example of this, where our data driven approach helps guide investors to the best sell side research available in the market.
the thomson reuters starmine solutions provide objective ratings of sell-side securities analysts by measuring the performance of analysts based on the excess returns generated from their buy or sell recommendations, and the accuracy of their earnings estimates. many global buy-side institutions use the starmine quantitative indicators to filter and select the most accurate research provided by sell side analysts, while many sell-side institutions use the starmine indicators as a data driven input to measure the performance of their research analysts.
today’s 2014 awards recognize those sell-side analysts who have shown outstanding performance during the fiscal period between aug 31, 2013 and jul 31, 2014 either as stock pickers and/or earnings estimators.
we will announce the result of the awards in three main categories which cover mainland china, hong kong and asia regions. the three main categories are stock recommendation performance relative to specific industry benchmarks (in other words a stock pickers category), accuracy in forecasting earnings as compared with industry peers (that is to say earnings estimators), and brokerage firms whose analysts win the most awards (i.e. most award-winning brokers).
this year we’ve also invited professionals from securities firms, funds, insurance companies and other financial institutions to sit together to discuss china’s financial markets with the analysts who are receiving awards today.
i would also like to thank our three keynote speakers who will share their views o the market with us. we will hear about the current macro-economic situation from jianping fan. ming zhang will talk about china’s monetary policy. and jianheng chen will provide views on the outlook for market liquidity in 2015. i am sure that we will receive some real insights into the state of the equity markets in 2015.
thomson reuters will continue to provide the market with innovative, data driven, quantitative solutions to help our customers make better decisions. we will continue to work with our customers to enhance the services we provide. and we will ensure we continue to provide insight about the chinese, as well as global, financial markets, with an objective and impartial stance.
it’s my honour now to start the proceedings of the 2014 thomson reuters starmine awards. i thank you all for taking the time to attend, and wish you an enjoyable afternoon.
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