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漫悠 The lazy romance restaurant|沐易設計

DECO TV 2022-04-07 09:55

撰文者 - DECO 雜誌

資料暨圖片提供 - 沐易設計


漫悠 The lazy romance restaurant

名為 Le Petit Charme 的本案隱身於鬧區一家法式旅店頂樓,為擁有餐飲專業背景的店主,研發各式無菜單料理以分享饕客、好友的秘密基地。有鑒於環境周邊超過百年積累的人文底蘊,設計上秉承低調自然、微復古、輕工業為主題,盡可能和諧融入街景,並特意保留戶外星光露台區,搭配軌道玻璃門,作為室內借景、引景與場域機能切換的天然發酵劑。

This case, named Le Petit Charme, is hidden on the top floor of a French-style hotel in the downtown area. That is a secret base for shopkeepers with professional catering backgrounds to develop all kinds of chef"s tasting menus to share with gourmets and friends. Due to the cultural heritage accumulated for more than a century around the store environment, we adhered to the themes of low-key nature, micro-retro, and light industry in our design and integrated them into the streets as harmoniously as possible. Moreover, we specially reserved the outdoor starlight terrace area with track glass doors as a natural fermentation starter for indoor scenery borrowing, scenery introduction, and field function switching.


In practice, we strengthened heat insulation and waterproof the ceiling layer in advance. The entrance hall was painted with elegant pink-beige color and a quaint single-chair with a spotlight like a warm greeting and a sultry mood. We made the floor with cement polishing and chevron jointed wood blocks to subtly distinguish the main traffic flow, indoor seating area, and outdoor area. We planned the whole restaurant as an open space except the bar area for meal preparation. The texture made by hand with a trowel on the wall shows a slow and plain taste of time. In addition, the restaurant is like its own living room, with furniture furnishings full of personal flavor, which makes visitors feel remarkably comfortable in it.


We used charcoal wood collage in the uplift parapet wall in the outdoor area and inlaid the ground with copper and gold letters to imply storytelling. The sidewalls of the neighbors were painted with indigo pigment to add retro charm. Three-part glass sliding doors set between indoor and outdoor that can close or open according to site requirements. This flexible field setting can use for private dining, weddings, product launches, small exhibitions, and small event gatherings. Love in the world, especially when you see the sun is shining in the afternoon and the hustle and bustle of the city are gradually disappearing. Sitting in a café on the left bank of Paris, a kind of lazy romance arising involuntarily.



來源:《DECO TV》4 月

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