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NBA/希拉蕊敗選 小皇帝籲:別喪失信念

鉅亨網新聞中心 2016-11-10 12:36



克里夫蘭騎士隊巨星「小皇帝」LeBron James 在美國總統大選前力挺 Hillary Clinton(希拉蕊)上位不遺餘力,但事與願違,自己所支持的一方最終落敗,James 在自己的 Instgram 上呼籲支持者們千萬不要喪失信念。






As I woke up today looking and searching for answers on what has happened this song hit it right on the head! If we continue the faith(as hard as it may be to do so) we will BE ALRIGHT!! Parents and leaders of our children please let them know they can still change the world for the better! Don"t lose a bit of faith! They"re our future and we must remain stronger than ever!! Yes we all wanna lace up the boots, put on the hard hats and strike but that"s not the answer. Love, genuine LOVE and FAITH will be the only thing that can get us through this. Minorities and Women in all please know that this isn"t the end, it"s just a very challenging obstacle that we will overcome!! The man above will never put something in our paths that we can handle no matter how difficult it may feel/be! To all the youth out there I PROMISE I"ll continue to lead u guys every single day without no hesitation!! Time to educate and even more mold my children into being the greatest model citizens they can become in life! They will continue the legacy beyond life! Lastly, Even if whos now in office doesn"t, Know that I LOVE YOU"LL!!!

LeBron James(@kingjames)張貼的影片 於

2016 年 11 月 月 9 8:06 上午 PST 張貼


