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鉅亨網新聞中心 2015-01-27 15:15

greece elections: have 5 years of austerity paid off?


sunday s national elections in greece were widely seen as a vote on years of punishing austerity that its citizens have had to endure, and whether they can handle much more.


and it appears greek voters rejected it.


the incumbent prime minster conceded defeat, and exit polls reported by state television showed the anti-austerity syriza party poised to win. syriza has attracted significant public support on promises to renegotiate bailout terms and deliver relief to fed up greeks.


the apparent victory for syriza casts doubt on the still fragile country s economic future.


back in 2010, the country accepted its first bailout: 240 billion ($277.8 billion) of international aid to rescue its battered economy. in return, greece agreed to deep cuts in government salaries, tax hikes, a freeze on state pensions and bans on early retirement.


nearly five years on, greece s economy is in better shape, but life for many greeks is much worse. unemployment has soared and wages have fallen even as people are working longer -- all of which are fueling demand for change.


so how far has greece come since the start of its financial crisis?


1. back in the black: in the last five years, greece has swung from a hefty deficit to a small surplus. the country s primary deficit was a whopping 10.7% of gdp back in 2009. last year it ran a primary surplus of 2.7% of gdp. that means when you strip out interest payments, the government collected more money that it paid out. and it hit that target earlier than promised to lenders.




2. healthier banks: greece s banking sector is much more resilient. banks have been recapitalized and the industry has downsized from 18 commercial banks to just 4. recent stress tests have underscored their stronger capital position and confidence in the financial sector.



3. unemployment soars: but the biggest trouble spot is jobs. five years ago the unemployment rate was about 12%. last year it was more than double that level, at 26%. the job shortage is even worse for young greeks: half of all young people are out of work. and that s a problem both in the short and long term.


"it s a ticking time bomb for national health care and public sector pension bills," said g+ economics managing director lena komileva, "the taxpayer will need to pay the future public sector bills."

“國家健康福利和公共部門退休金是一個定時炸彈”,g+ economics總經理lena komileva說,“納稅人需要為未來的公共部門退休金納稅。”

4. economy is shrinking: many of the job losses are tied to a sharp contraction in the size of the greek economy, which is roughly 25% smaller than it was before the crisis. last year, the country returned to modest growth after five years of recession -- but output remains far below levels seen in 2007.


5. wages tumble: those who have a job are getting paid less. wage inflation peaked at an unsustainable 12.5% year-on-year growth in 2010. then wages began falling sharply. in 2013 they were falling nearly 12% year-on-year -- and they re still falling.


6. working longer: the retirement age averaged 61 in 2010. it has been pushed out to 65, and expectations are that it will be hiked again to 67 in the coming years.


7. debt deluge: greece s debt was very high then, and it s very high now. net debt was around 130% of gdp in 2010 according to the imf -- now it s close to 170%. the economy has shrunk so the debt ratio has increased and it s put the country in what g+ economics komileva describes as the "debt trap".


"greece cannot possibly generate the level of income to pay back its debtors, ever," she said.



★the greeks have to be commended for their sacrifices and resilience. however, the true measure of progress will come when the number of people on government payroll is cut in half, or better by two third. no figures were given on that account in this report.


★so in other words, you won t be satisfied until the unemployment rate goes even higher. the imf has figured out that austerity doesn t work (even as they plan to implement similar policy in ukraine to start a new round of smash and grab privatization). why haven t you?


★1947 you go to differentiate between the private sector and public sector. a measure of success will indeed be increase in private employment as opposed to government employment. four years ago, there were four times more educators per capita in greece than in finland, the country that sets the bar for all education systems in the world.


★not our problem. let the greeks sort it long as the solution doesn t involve spending of other s money.


★just like the republicans do, you mean.


★spending borrowed money into massive debt doesn t work either. do you have another idea how to get out of the mess and keep from getting back into the same position in the future?


★sure stop spending more money than you make.i just wish republicans in congress would learn that lesson. then again republicans are spending other peoples money so they don t care. you can t cut taxes and increase spending. which is the heart of every single republican budget for the last 30 years.

to be fair democrats at least try to offset increased in spending with increases in taxes(income) however they do like to increase spending too.


★there s more employers than just the government in a healthy society. greece needs to get serious about their private sector and shed the mindset of graft and governmental dolling.


★small surplus???? any government can run a small surplus if you don t include payment on its dept. point 1 - back in the black is really misleading.


★a small surplus is a start. it has taken a long time and a lot of sacrifice, but it is a start. now if they could get the large volume of tourism back, then they could start to grow

that private sector job market. sure they will be low paid positions, but it puts people to work, and gives them something to do. what they have done should be seen in a positive light, and if they can just move that top line economy again, they will be in much better shape. this is one case where economic growth would be a good thing.




