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鉅亨網新聞中心 2015-09-21 16:47

北京(CNFIN.COM / XINHUA08.COM)--財政部18日發布《第三次中法高級別經濟財金對話聯合情況說明》。中國國務院副總理馬凱與法國財政和公共賬目部長米歇爾·薩班於2015年9月18日在北京共同主持第三次對話,來自兩國政府的高級官員參加。中法雙方強調此次對話要從經濟財金領域深入落實李克強總理訪法期間達成的重要成果,並為兩國元首訪問做經濟財金領域的政策準備。













1. 雙方將根據國內外經濟金融形勢發展變化,采取適當的政策措施,促進兩國經濟強勁、可持續和平衡增長。中國政府堅持穩中求進總基調,主動引領經濟發展新常態,堅持積極的財政政策,保持公共支出力度,更好地發揮財政自動穩定器和逆周期調節的作用。人民銀行繼續實施穩健的貨幣政策,更加注重松緊適度,適時適度預調微調。中國加快推動轉方式調結構,強化風險防控,促進經濟持續健康發展。法方歡迎中方在年底前根據國際貨幣基金組織數據公布特殊標準(SDDS)發布經濟數據,歡迎中國政府關於推進匯率機制市場化和提高匯率靈活性的承諾。法國正在推動自身經濟強勁、可持續和平衡增長。法國政府全面致力於進一步整頓公共財政和推進經濟改革,以減少失業,持續改善宏觀經濟不平衡狀況,提升潛在增長率。為此,法國政府正在制定一項長期改革戰略,通過一系列強有力的改革措施,釋放經濟活力,實現經濟的現代化。此外,政府改革議程也著力於提高勞動者職業保障水平,並通過救助困難民眾和提高教育質量來減少不平等。

2. 中法雙方重申將在G20框架下加強溝通協調,支援G20作為國際經濟合作主要論壇發揮重要作用,推動G20在全球經濟治理領域發揮更積極作用。雙方支援土耳其將“共同行動以實現包容和強勁增長”作為G20安塔利亞峰會主題。雙方致力於促進強勁、可持續和平衡增長。為達成這一目標,雙方愿同G20其他成員一道,加強宏觀經濟政策協調,支援增加就業,推進結構性改革,促進投資和基礎設施建設,支援和加強多邊貿易體系。雙方重申維護國際金融穩定、完善國際經濟治理、建設開放型世界經濟的重要性。雙方努力推動加強國際金融監管,以使所有的金融市場、金融產品和市場主體都得到適當的監管。法方期待中方主辦2016年G20峰會,將積極支援有關籌備工作。

3. 中法兩國支援在巴黎氣候大會達成一項富有雄心、具有法律約束力的協議,加強公約的實施。協議應以公平為基礎,體現共同但有區別的責任和各自能力原則,考慮到各自不同國情。協議必須平衡處理減緩、適應、資金、技術開發和轉讓、能力建設、行動和支援的透明度。中法雙方憶及公約第二條所載目標,並強調考慮到科學的要求,牢記將全球平均溫度升高控制在不超過工業革命前水平2°C以內,有必要立即加強全球應對氣候變化行動,以確保公約從現在到2020年、直至2020年以后的全面、有效和持續實施。中法雙方呼吁發達國家兌現其到2020年每年為發展中國家減緩和適應氣候變化動員1000億美元的承諾。他們敦促發達國家為發展中國家特別是尤其易受氣候變化不利影響的發展中國家開展有力度的減緩和適應行動提供和動員強化資金支援,並認可其他國家的補充的支援。雙方邀請相關國際機構在自身職責范圍內制定相關計劃,以為公約第21次締約方會議取得良好成果提供支援。20國集團要求金融穩定委員會組織公共和私營部門參與方對金融行業如何考慮與氣候相關的問題進行審視,中法雙方對此表示歡迎和支援。根據有關第三方合作的聯合聲明,中法雙方將開展合作為最不發達國家減緩和適應活動提供支援——特別是在非洲獲取清潔能源和實施早期災害預警機制方面。

4. 法方特別強調一個多元的國際貨幣體系的重要性,希望歐元人民幣發揮更大的作用。在人民幣滿足現有標準的前提下,法方支援在即將進行的SDR審查中將人民幣納入SDR貨幣籃子。雙方承諾尊重IMF關於SDR審查的程式和流程,並將在人民幣加入SDR問題上加強溝通。中方認識到在透明度標準方面向其他主要儲備貨幣看齊對於人民幣國際化的重要性。法方支援中國為進一步實施金融和資本市場改革所做的努力。

5. 中法兩國承諾加強在IMF的合作,並繼續完善IMF的份額和治理結構,雙方敦促所有尚未批準2010年改革方案的成員不再拖延、立即批準該方案,從而進一步提高更具活力的新興市場和發展中國家的發言權。中法兩國支援IMF執董會為尋求過渡方案所做的努力,該過渡方案旨在使份額比例盡可能地趨近於第14次份額總檢查確定的水平。但是,任何過渡方案都不能代替2010年改革方案。雙方承諾全力確保完成第15次份額總檢查。雙方重申IMF是一個以份額為基礎的機構,保持IMF的強健和資金充足非常重要。

6. 雙方將在雙邊和多邊平臺上,繼續就國際金融部門改革和金融穩定議題加強溝通,包括金融穩定理事會近期提出的“氣候變化對金融穩定的影響”等議題。

7. 雙方同意在近期成功籌建亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(AIIB)的基礎上,加強在多邊金融框架下的合作。法方歡迎中方進一步參與巴黎俱樂部相關會議和活動。

8. 雙方歡迎接受2030年可持續發展議程,同意在落實該議程和亞的斯亞貝巴行動議程的過程中保持密切溝通與合作。雙方在推進各自國內落實上述議程的同時,將幫助發展中國家實現共同和可持續發展。

9. 雙方強調以互惠互利為基礎的、開放公平的貿易投資關係的重要性,這種關係對促進增長和就業至關重要。雙方致力於共同維護、加強和拓展以規則為基礎、透明、非歧視性、開放和包容的多邊貿易體制,並支援有效執行其規則。中法雙方致力於積極推動多哈回合談判在務實和平衡的基礎上,在尊重多哈授權和發展內涵,並考慮到已有進展的基礎上,到第十次部長級會議時達成實質性成果並盡早結束。

10. 中法雙方歡迎出口信貸國際工作組在制定一套新的官方支援出口信貸國際指導原則談判工作中取得的重要進展。這一國際指導原則將有利於促進國際貿易,照顧不同國家的利益和國情,並與國際最佳實踐一致。

11. 雙方同意繼續密切合作,采取措施應對跨境逃稅和避稅。雙方繼續支援G20關於促進稅收透明度和資訊自動交換的承諾,呼吁所有轄區在承諾的時間框架內實施稅收透明度和資訊交換國際標準。雙方同意繼續加強溝通和合作,落實G20和OECD“應對稅基侵蝕與利潤轉移(BEPS)行動計劃”,認為該計劃的有效性將取決於其應用程度和持續落實情況。雙方呼吁OECD與對此感興趣的非G20國家特別是發展中國家一道,在2016年初之前制訂落實該計劃的框架。雙方承諾將通過多種形式共同幫助發展中國家特別是低收入國家加強稅收政策和征管能力建設。

12. 中法雙方承諾積極參與G20反腐敗工作組,特別是考慮到打擊賄賂問題,雙方也將積極參與經合組織(OECD)反賄賂工作組。雙方一致同意嚴格遵守金融行動特別工作組(FATF)制定的反洗錢和反恐融資標準。特別是考慮到采用和實施恐怖主義融資刑罰化及與恐怖主義和恐怖融資相關的定向金融制裁制度的現有缺陷,雙方支援FATF正在開展的明確識別和解決這些缺陷的工作。最終,雙方重申落實G20受益所有權透明度高級原則並期待取得進一步進展,以確保反腐敗、金融及稅務部門在內的有關部門能掌握公司的所有者、控制者及諸如信托等其他法律安排情況。

13. 雙方支援在國際層面就企業社會責任舉行對話,呼吁在全球范圍內為企業制定負責任的行為準則。中法雙方將繼續就企業社會責任問題交流經驗。


14. 雙方歡迎巴黎離岸人民幣市場的發展,以巴黎為重要中心在歐元區開展人民幣業務,同意繼續支援包括人民幣支付和清算安排等領域的進一步行動。支援法國機構投資者和企業充分利用兩國金融機構在法國提供的人民幣計價的銀行和金融服務。雙方鼓勵法國巴黎歐洲金融市場協會采取措施推動法國金融機構和企業(包括中小企業)在貿易融資以及市場交易、外匯交易和貿易活動包括中非貿易中使用人民幣,以增強巴黎作為最重要的歐洲離岸人民幣中心之一的地位。支援中國外匯交易中心、上海清算所、中央國債公司等銀行間市場中介機構參與歐洲離岸人民幣市場建設。雙方鼓勵各自市場主體使用中國市場基礎設施和諸如法國中央證券存管機構、法國歐洲清算所等法國市場基礎設施合作提供的服務發行離岸人民幣證券。

15. 中法雙方歡迎合格的法國機構投資者利用法國人民幣合格境外機構投資者(RQFII)額度推出RQFII產品。中方將適時增加法國的RQFII額度。雙方支援中國證券期貨機構與法國機構合作,在法設立機構並開展包括RQFII產品開發、銷售和投資組合管理在內的相關業務。在之前的RQFII額度審批完成,法方歡迎中方近期完成又一例RQFII額度審批,並期望盡快完成未竟的審批進程。中方同意合格的法國機構投資者為其現有的集合投資基金申請RQFII額度。法方歡迎中國人民銀行啟動相關機制允許中國人民幣合格境內機構投資者(RQDII) 用人民幣到海外包括法國金融市場投資。自第二次中法高級別經濟財金對話以來,中國證監會和法國金融市場監管局(AMF)在多個領域加強了合作。中法資產管理論壇於2015年9月17日在北京舉行,雙方對此次論壇和兩國資產管理行業通過此次論壇發展的富有成果的關係表示歡迎。雙方致力於加強在資產管理方面的溝通與經驗交流,包括諸如法國社會責任投資等各自專長領域。雙方同意探討為跨境資產管理活動創造便利條件,尋求可能的途徑促進此類活動。

16. 雙方同意加強兩國央行在支付與市場基礎設施領域的聯合研究和資訊共用。雙方同意建立中法反假貨幣定期合作機制,成立反假貨幣聯絡小組,重點開展反假貨幣交流與合作,監測與打擊假幣犯罪。雙方還同意建立貨幣防偽技術定期交流機制,建立假幣偽造特征及制作技術的資訊通報與交流機制。

17. 雙方同意各自金融機構拓展合作,為在兩國開發和使用的電子支付介質創造便利和安全的支付環境,包括提高信用卡和借記卡支付接受度,以促進雙方經貿往來。

18. 中法雙方鼓勵兩國銀行業金融機構創新合作方式,開展多層次、多領域的業務交流與合作。中法兩國銀行監管當局同意建立相應合作機制,在現場檢查、P2P網絡借貸平臺監管、銀行業消費者保護及銀行消費糾紛多元化處置等諸多領域加強交流與合作。為支援雙方銀行業機構的經營與發展,雙方同意按照各自決策程式,考慮可能的途徑對兩國銀行在對方國家開設的分行實行同等監管待遇,為撤銷對非本幣業務的資本充足率要求奠定基礎。

19. 雙方鼓勵中國人民銀行反洗錢監測分析中心與法國財政部金融情報中心在反洗錢和反恐融資等金融情報交換方面加強合作。雙方同意特別增加發送、請求以及各自自動傳輸資訊的數量和質量。雙方同意成立監督委員會對已取得的進展進行評估。此外,基於未來繼續加強業務合作的愿望,中國人民銀行反洗錢監測分析中心與法國財政部金融情報中心計劃在明年修訂雙方於2009年在北京簽署的諒解備忘錄。

20. 雙方鼓勵中國銀行間市場交易商協會與法國巴黎歐洲金融市場協會就發展信用債券市場支援實體經濟等議題開展聯合研究,並在資訊共用、培訓、金融市場參與者互動等多領域加強合作與交流。雙方歡迎上海金融服務辦公室和巴黎歐洲金融市場協會加快雙方金融中心、股票市場、資產管理、銀行業和保險業合作。此外,泛歐證券交易所旨在進一步發展中歐跨境活動,通過與中國大型金融機構、銀行和交易所(中國工商銀行、中國建設銀行、中國銀行、大連商品交易所等)建立廣泛合作關係,為歐洲發行者提供獲取巨大流動性的途徑,分享人民幣國際化的好處。

21. 雙方將進一步加強在期貨和場外衍生品市場監管方面的合作,包括推動中歐間達成合格中央對手方等方面的監管互認,期貨市場跨境交易、跨境業務等方面的資訊共用與監管合作,以及場外衍生品市場發展和監管經驗分享。

22. 除了資產管理和場外衍生品市場監管合作外,中國證監會和法國金融市場監管局歡迎在防控和打擊市場濫用行為及跨境監管合作領域實現經驗共用。雙方同意在上述領域開展對話,進一步加深在證券法、上市公司及其市場融資、互聯網金融等諸多證券監管領域的相互了解。

23. 中國保監會愿與法國審慎監管局等監管部門進一步加強資訊交流,推動包括償付能力監管在內的各領域技術合作。

24. 雙方在相互尊重主權和法律法規的前提下,進一步推動中法審計監管合作,確定雙邊會談的部門、時間和操作目標。這一合作旨在促進高質量審計標準和實踐,確保企業管理和會計方面的精確、透明和可問責。

25. 雙方將繼續深化中國審計署和法國審計法院的合作,加強各個層級的審計業務和人員交流與合作,積極開展各種形式的審計專題交流與研討,促進外部審計在公共管理問責制和責任制中發揮重要的保障作用。


26. 雙方同意加強兩國政策戰略機構間的交流與合作,為此雙方財政部門各指定一個政策戰略機構作為牽頭機構。雙方也支援啟動雙邊官方政策戰略機構交流活動,就兩國財經、雙邊關係、區域和國際經濟財金等共同關心的問題開展聯合研究。中國國務院發展研究中心和法國國家戰略與預測總署將繼續輪流在兩國舉辦中法研討會,深入交流探討共同感興趣的經濟社會重要議題。

27. 雙方將在完成國內報批程式后,適時簽署中法社保協定,以便利雙向投資及工作人員往來。

28. 雙方歡迎由中國國家開發銀行下屬國開金融有限責任公司與法國國家投資銀行(Bpifrance)設立中法創新基金對中法兩國以及歐洲和北美地區的資訊和通信技術行業中具有潛力的創新型小企業進行投資。該基金的目標規模為2.5億歐元,將促進創新型企業從起步階段就融入全球經濟體系(包括法國、中國和美國),以開拓企業視野並加快其國際擴張。

29. 雙方同意促進中投公司和法國信托投資集團間的投資合作,在大巴黎地區積極尋求盡可能多的投資機會,促進中國對該地區相關資產和項目特別是房地產和基礎設施的投資。

30. 雙方同意落實李克強總理訪問法國期間中法共同發表的《關於第三方市場合作的聯合聲明》。雙方致力於就2015年11月底建立共同基金的重要問題達成共識,在全球不同行業商定並落實新項目,特別是在基礎設施、新能源、醫療保健、清潔運輸和環境等領域。雙方同意2016年在非洲舉行中法非三方合作會議。在尊重接受方意愿的前提下,雙方愿意推動多邊開發銀行參與第三方市場合作項目。

31. 雙方遵守《中歐合作2020戰略規劃》,歡迎歐盟和中國正在進行的投資協定談判所取得的成果,該談判致力於盡快達成一個雄心勃勃且全面的協定,涵蓋投資保護和市場準入等內容。雙方支援兩國貿易促進機構加強合作,根據兩國經貿合作重點,開展形式多樣的貿易促進活動。中法雙方將積極合作共同解決市場準入問題,並強調進一步改善營商環境以創造公平競爭條件的必要性。

32. 法方歡迎中國加大在歐洲投資的意愿,同時對中方以互利共贏的方式提出建設“絲綢之路經濟帶”和“21世紀海上絲綢之路”倡議表示贊賞。

33. 中法雙方同意,在《中華人民共和國政府和法蘭西共和國政府關於知識產權的合作協定》框架下,進一步加強知識產權領域的交流與合作,並於2016年在華舉行中法專利混委會會議和中法商標混委會會議。法國政府將繼續協助中國政府采取防護措施檢測電子商務平臺假冒偽劣產品,支援監督知識產權所有者和互聯網公司之間的以具體結果為導向的對話。

34. 中法海關資訊互換、行政互助和反商業欺瞞等執法合作取得了顯著成果。雙方將加強署級人員交往,認真落實中法海關2015-2016年技術合作文字,深入開展打擊商業欺瞞、假冒侵權以及有害廢物走私等合作,營造健康有序的貿易環境。此外,雙方海關將繼續積極參與中歐海關間安全智慧貿易航線試點項目第三階段合作、知識產權保護以及經認證的經營者互認合作,積極探討建立中法空港和海港海關的關際合作,促進中法、中歐的貿易安全和便利。

35. 雙方將基於2013年在中法經貿混委會框架下成立中法標準化合作委員會的共同承諾繼續開展標準化領域的合作。中法將於今年11月在電子醫療/老年經濟、農業食品、智慧城市/可持續發展和鐵路四個領域召開標準化研討會,法方將在會上宣讀《老年經濟白皮書》,雙方決定優先在老年經濟領域開展合作。

36. 雙方同意在已簽署的雙邊諒解備忘錄要求下,完成中法天文衛星和中法海洋衛星的研制,並按照2014年8月簽署的天文衛星備忘錄和2015年1月簽署的海洋衛星備忘錄,保證按時發射。雙方同意進一步關注深空探測等領域,積極尋找可能的合作內容和合作方式。進一步推動中法航天領域的后續合作,促進中法航天合作可持續發展。

37. 雙方強調航空工業領域雙邊合作的互利互惠,這種合作體現在以下方面:空客在天津的相關合作(包括A320總裝廠和未來的A330寬體機完成和交付中心)、中國航空工業企業深度參與空客供應鏈合作,以及中國航空工業集團公司和空客直升機公司聯合研發和生產Z15/AH175。雙方鼓勵產業界根據雙方共同的興趣,深化合作關係。此外,歐洲出口信貸機構和中國進出口銀行正在探討尋求共同機制支援在天津裝配的A320飛機在中國市場銷售及出口到第三方市場。

38. 中法兩國政府重申支援負責任地發展和平利用核能。並及時落實2015年6月30日中華人民共和國國務院總理李克強訪法期間,兩國政府在巴黎發表的《中法兩國深化民用核能合作的聯合聲明》。雙方期待核能領域合作取得重大進展,包括鈾資源開發、鈾轉換、核燃料生產和相關配套設施,大中型反應堆,燃料循環后端,特別是在英國新建核電項目以及正在談判中的后處理/再循環工廠項目。

39. 中法雙方加強政府部門和業界合作,共同探討面向2025年汽車節能目標路線圖,重點研究2020年、2025年乘用車燃料消耗量(CO2排放)標準法規及實現法規目標的技術路線、政策措施等。雙方加強政府部門和業界合作,共同推進新能源汽車、智慧網聯汽車標準和法規的交流與合作,包括在制定ISO、IEC、GTR及其他全球標準和法規時進行事先協調。

40. 雙方強調重新審視傳統工業生產模式的重要性。雙方愿意建立包容和可持續、數字化、高度聯通、自動化、極度靈活和高效的工業體系。這一體系必須依靠人類和機器的互補,其中人類在該體系中處於核心地位。法國“未來工業”計劃旨在支援所有工業企業參與到生產過程的現代化中來。中國“中國制造2025”計劃旨在促進產業轉型升級,實現制造業由大變強的跨越。雙方鼓勵兩國的工業界在此基礎上開展合作,並於2016年共同開發出試點項目。

41. 雙方重申中法高級別經濟財金對話機制的重要性,並一致同意於2016年在法國舉行第四次中法高級別經濟財金對話。

China-France Joint Fact Sheet on 3rd High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue

(September 18th, 2015, Beijing)

Deepening a close and durable Sino-French economic and financial strategic partnership

The China-France High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue (HED) is an important platform for bilateral communication and policy coordination on strategic, overarching and long-term issues in the economic and financial fields. The first and second Dialogue, which was held in November 2013 and September 2014, made an active contribution to expanding and deepening the Sino-French comprehensive strategic partnership.

Chinese Vice-Premier Ma Kai and French Finance and Public Accounts Minister Michel Sapin co-chaired the 3rd HED on September 18, 2015 in Beijing. They were joined by a high-level delegation of senior officials from both countries. China and France stress that the purposes of this dialogue are to thoroughly implement the important achievement of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to France, and make the due policy preparation for visits by the heads of state of the two countries in the economic and financial fields.

During this Dialogue, the two sides reached consensus on the following:

1.????? Both sides will take appropriate policy measures in line with economic and financial developments at home and abroad, in order to promote strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth. The Chinese authorities adhere to the general tone of maintaining stability while making progress, and initiatively lead the new normal economic development. Chinese government adheres to the proactive fiscal policy and keeps public spending to play the better role of automatic fiscal stabilizers and counter-cyclical instruments. PBOC continues to implement a sound monetary policy that is neither too tight nor too loose, conducts timely and appropriate fine-tuning and preemptive adjustments. China will accelerate the growth mode transformation and structure adjustment, strengthen risk prevention and promote sustained and healthy economic development. France welcomes China’s commitment in the release of economic data following the SDDS by the end of the year as well as the authorities’ commitment to move toward more market-oriented exchange rate systems and exchange rate flexibility. France is also promoting strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth. The government is fully committed to further consolidating public finances and reforming its economy in order to reduce unemployment, continue the reduction of macroeconomic imbalances and enhance its potential growth. Therefore a long-term reform strategy is underway introducing a series of strong reforms that aim at modernizing, simplifying and freeing up economic activity. In addition to that, the government s reform agenda also aims at making career paths more secure for workers while combating inequality by supporting people in fragile situation and improving education performance.

2.????? Both sides reaffirm strengthening their communication and coordination under the G20 framework, support the critical role of the G20 as the premier forum for international economic cooperation and promote the G20 to play a more active role in global economic governance. Both sides support Turkey to take “Inclusive and Robust Growth through Collective Action” as the theme of the Antalya G20 Summit. Both sides are committed to promoting a strong, sustainable and balanced growth. To achieve this goal, both sides are willing to work together with other G20 members to strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, support job creation, advance structural reforms, promote investment and infrastructure, support and strengthen the multilateral trading system. Both sides reaffirm the importance of maintaining international financial stability, improving global economic governance, and developing an open world economy. Both sides will work to advance international financial regulation, so that all financial markets, products and participants are regulated or subject to oversight, as appropriate. France is looking forward China to hosting the G20 Summit in 2016, and will actively support its preparation.

3.????? China and France support the adoption of an ambitious and legally binding agreement at the Paris Climate Conference that enhances the implementation of the Convention, on the basis of equity and reflecting the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in light of different national circumstances. The Paris agreement shall address in a balanced manner, inter alia, mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, capacity building and transparency of action and support. China and France recall the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2, and the need to urgently enhance global climate action to ensure the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention now, up to and beyond 2020, in light of the latest and best available scientific information, bearing in mind holding the increase in global average temperature below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. China and France call on developed countries to fulfill their commitment to mobilize $100 billion per year by 2020 for climate change adaptation and mitigation in developing countries. They urge developed countries to provide and mobilize enhanced financial support to developing countries for ambitious mitigation and adaptation actions, especially to countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change and recognize complementary support by other countries. They invite relevant international institutions, within their mandates, to develop plans in support of a good outcome for the COP21. China and France welcome and support the task given by the G20 to the FSB to convene public - and private- sector participants to review how the financial sector can take account of climate-related issues. In line with the joint statement on cooperation with third parties, China and France will cooperate to support mitigation and adaptation in the least developed countries, in particular for clean energy access in Africa and implementation of early disaster warning systems.??????????????? ?

4.????? France strongly stresses the importance of a multi polar international monetary system, including through a greater role of the euro and the renminbi. In this regard, provided that the RMB fulfills the existing eligibility criteria, the French side supports the inclusion of the RMB into the SDR currency basket in the IMF’s upcoming SDR review. Both countries commit to respecting the IMF’s procedures and process in the SDR review, and to enhancing their communication on this issue. China recognizes the importance of meeting the transparency standards of other major reserve currencies to successful RMB internationalization. France supports China’s efforts to implement further financial and capital market reforms.

5.????? Both sides commit to strengthening their cooperation in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and continue to improve the IMF’s quota and governance structure. Both sides urge members who have yet to ratify the 2010 quota and governance reforms to do so without delay to further enhance the voice of dynamic emerging markets and developing countries. Both sides affirm the efforts of IMF Executive Board to pursue an interim solution, which aims to converge quota shares to the extent possible to the levels decided under the 14th review. However, the interim solution should not constitute or be seen in any way as a substitute for the 2010 IMF reforms. Both sides committed all efforts to ensure the completion of the 15th general quota review. The two sides reaffirm the importance of maintaining a strong and adequate resourced IMF, as a quota-based institution.

6.????? Both sides will continue to strengthen their exchange of views on international financial sector reforms and financial stability issues on bilateral and multilateral platforms, including the topic of “implication of climate change on financial stability” recently raised by the Financial Stability Board.

7.????? Both sides agree to build upon the recent success in establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in order to strengthen collaboration within the multilateral financial architecture. France welcomes participation of China in relevant meetings and activities of the Paris Club.

8.????? Both sides welcome the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and agree to maintain close communication and cooperation in implementing this Agenda and the Addis Ababa action Agenda. While implementing the Agenda within their own country, both sides will help developing countries achieve a common and sustainable development.

9.????? Both sides stress the importance of an open and fair trade and investment relation, based on reciprocal and mutual benefits, recognizing its importance for growth and job creation. They are committed to maintaining, strengthening and developing a rules-based, transparent, non-discriminatory, open and inclusive Multilateral Trading System and favor the effective enforcement of its rules. France and China are committed to pushing forward the DDA to achieve a substantial outcome by the 10th Ministerial Conference (MC10) with a view to its early conclusion, on a realistic and balanced basis, while respecting the Doha mandate, especially its development dimension, and taking note of the progress that has been made.

10.? France and China welcome the progress that has been made by the IWG in negotiating a new set of international guidelines on officially supported export-credit, that are taking into account varying national interests and situations while consistent with international best practice .

11.? Both sides agree to continuously maintain close cooperation and take measures in coping with Cross-border tax evasion and avoidance. Both sides will continue to support G20 commitment on promoting tax transparency and automatic exchange of information and call on all jurisdictions to comply with the internationally agreed standards of transparency and exchange of information in the tax area within the timeframe they’ve committed. Both sides agree to continuously strengthen communication and cooperation on the implementation of G20/OECD Base Erosion Profit Shifting Action Plans. The effectiveness of the project will be determined by its widespread and consistent implementation. We call on the OECD to prepare a framework by early 2016 with the involvement of interested non-G20 countries, particularly developing countries, on an equal footing. Both sides are committed to help developing countries, especially low income countries strengthen their capacity building in tax policy and administration through various forms.

12.? France and China commit to actively participate in the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group, especially regarding the combating of bribery, including by active participation with the OECD Working Group on Bribery. Both sides also agree to improve their compliance with the anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing standards defined by the FATF (Financial Action Task Force). In particular, both sides support the FATF ongoing work to clearly identify and address the remaining weaknesses regarding the adoption and implementation of laws criminalizing terrorist financing and of targeted financial sanctions regimes related to terrorism and terrorist financing. Finally, both sides reiterate their commitment to implement the G20 High-Level Principles on Beneficial Ownership Transparency and look forward to further progress on implementation, in order to ensure that the relevant authorities, including anti-corruption, financial and tax authorities, know who owns and controls companies and other legal arrangements, such as trusts.

13.? Both parties support the dialogue held at international level with regard to corporate social responsibility and call for guidelines for a responsible behavior of worldwide companies. France and China will continue to exchange on their experience on corporate social responsibility issues.


II. Cooperation on Financial market and Regulation


14.? Both sides welcome the ongoing development of an off-shore RMB market in Paris, as a major hub for RMB-denominated activity in the euro area, and agree to continue to support further initiatives in that regard, including in the area of payment and clearing arrangements. French institutional investors and corporates are encouraged to take advantage of RMB-denominated banking and financial services developed in Paris by French and Chinese financial institutions. Both parties encourage Paris EUROPLACE’s action to promote, among French financial institutions and corporates including SMEs, the use of RMB in trade finance, but also in market transactions, Forex and trade, including between China and Africa in order to strengthen the position of Paris as one of the leading European offshore RMB centers. Chinese interbank market intermediaries, such as China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS), Shanghai Clearing House, China Central Depository Clearing Co. Ltd. (CCDC), are encouraged to take part in the development of the off-shore RMB market in Europe. French and Chinese market participants issuing off-shore securities in RMB are encouraged to have recourse to the services provided through the collaboration between Chinese market infrastructures and French infrastructures, such as Euronext and Euroclear France.

15.? China and France welcome the launch of products using the French RQFII quota by Qualified French Institutional Investors. The French RQFII quota will be increased by China when appropriate. Both sides will further support Chinese securities and futures institutions in cooperating with French institutions to establish and conduct business in France, including the development, distribution and portfolio management of RQFII products. Following previous RQFII quota allocations, France welcomes the recent completion of a new French RQFII quota process and looks forward to the prompt finalization of the pending processes. China has agreed to allow Qualified French Institutional Investors to apply RQFII quota for their existing collective investment funds. France welcomes the scheme launched by the People s Bank of China allowing the RMB Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors in China to invest overseas, including into the French financial markets, in RMB. The AMF and the CSRC acknowledged their strengthened cooperation in various areas since the previous High Level Dialogue and welcomed the Sino-French Forum on asset management held in Beijing on 17 September 2015 as well as the fruitful relationship developed between the Chinese and the French asset management industries on that occasion. Both sides are committed to enhancing exchanges and sharing experience in asset management, including in areas where each country shows specific expertise such as Socially Responsible Investment in France. They agree to explore opportunities to facilitate the growth of cross border fund management activities and to work on possible approaches to foster such activities.

16.? Both sides agree to enhance joint researches and information exchange between the two central banks in the area of payment and market infrastructures. Both sides agree to establish a regular cooperation mechanism on anti-counterfeiting with designated contacts, focusing on exchange and cooperation as well as fighting counterfeiting crimes. Both sides agree to establish a regular exchange mechanism on currency security technology and to create an exchange mechanism of banknote counterfeiting features and realization technique.

17.? Both sides agree to explore cooperation by institutions on both sides to provide convenient and secure environment for electronic means of payment developed and used in France and in China, including increasing acceptance of credit/debit card payments, in order to support economic and trade ties.

18.? Both sides encourage the banking institutions to innovate cooperation forms and enhance the communication and collaboration at multiple levels and in various areas. Both the Chinese and the French banking supervisory authorities agree to establish relevant cooperative mechanism to enhance cooperation in many fields such as on-site examination, supervision on P2P lending, banking consumer protection and alternative dispute resolution. In a spirit of supporting the business development of banking institutions in both countries, both sides agree to consider the avenue for reciprocal treatment to the bank branches in each other’s market, and to lay the ground for the removal of capital adequacy requirements on the non-local-currency businesses, in accordance with local decisional procedures.

19.? Both sides encourage the CAMLMAC of PBOC and the Traitement du Renseignementet Action (Tracfin) of the French Ministry of Finance to strengthen their exchange of financial intelligence on anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing. Both sides agree to especially increase the number and the quality of the information sent and requested as well as their respective spontaneous transmissions. Both sides agree to set up a monitoring committee in order to assess the progress achieved. Moreover, CAMLMAC and TRACFIN plan, on the basis of this future enhancement of their operational cooperation, to update in the upcoming year the previous Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2009 in Beijing.

20.? Both sides encourage the cooperation between NAFMII and Paris EUROPLACE, to conduct joint researches on bond market development to support the real economy, to strengthen cooperative relationships in areas such as information sharing, training and market players’ interaction. On the other hand, both sides welcome the cooperation between the Shanghai Financial Services Office and Paris EUROPLACE to accelerate partnerships between both financial centers, on equities markets as well as asset management, banking and insurance sectors. Moreover Euronext aims at further developing cross-border activities between China and Europe through a vast array of partnerships with the largest Chinese institutions, banks and exchanges (ICBC, China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Dalian Commodity Exchange) to provide access to an unmatched pool of liquidity for European issuers and benefit of the current RMB internationalization.

21.? Both sides are committed to strengthening cooperation on futures and OTC derivatives markets, including facilitating the realization of mutual recognition of Qualified Central Counterparties (QCCPs) between China and the EU, enhancing information sharing and regulatory cooperation in cross-border trade and business in the futures markets, and sharing experience in regulation of the OTC derivatives market.

22.? In addition to the regulation of asset management as well as OTC derivatives, the CSRC and the AMF welcome sharing experience in the field of preventing and fighting market abuses as well as in the field of cross border cooperation. They agree to pursue their dialogue on these issues and to facilitate greater mutual understanding on various other areas of securities regulation including securities law as well as listed companies and their financing on markets and Internet-based financing.

23.? The CIRC will further strengthen information exchange and promote technical cooperation in all areas including solvency with ACPR and other related regulatory authorities.

24.? Both sides agree to promote the cooperation on audit oversight based on mutual respect for the national sovereignty of each country and each other’s domestic laws and regulation. As the first step, they will identify the agencies and set a timetable and operational targets for bilateral talks. This cooperation should aim at promoting high quality auditing standards and practices, ensuring accuracy, transparency and accountability of corporate management and accounting.

25.? Both sides are dedicated to continuously deepening the existing cooperation between CNAO and the Cour des Comptes, intensifying exchanges and cooperation among audit professionals at different levels, actively carrying out discussions on a variety of topics, and promoting the important role of external audit in safeguarding accountability and responsibility in the public administration.


III. Promoting substantial bilateral economic cooperation

26.? Both sides agree to strengthen the exchanges and collabor

