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鉅亨網新聞中心 2013-09-12 18:38

Dear Shareholders (Note),
TOM Group Limited (the “Company”)
- Notification of Publication of Interim Report 2013 (“Current Corporate Communication”)

The Company’s Current Corporate Communication (in both English and Chinese versions) is available on the Company’s website at and the website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEx”) at You may access the Current Corporate Communication by clicking “Investor Relations” on the home page of the Company’s website, then selecting “2013 Interim Report” under “Financial Reports”; or by searching under “Listed Company Information” on the website of HKEx. Viewing the above document requires Adobe? Reader?.

If you have any difficulty in receiving or gaining access to the Current Corporate Communication posted on the Company’s website or if you want to receive a printed copy of the Current Corporate Communication, please complete the CCASS request form (“CCASS Request Form”) on the reverse side and send it to the Company c/o the Company’s branch share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, by post using the mailing label at the bottom of the CCASS Request Form (no stamp is needed if posted in Hong Kong). The address of the Company’s branch share registrar is 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. You may also send an email with a scanned copy of the CCASS Request Form to

If you have any queries about how to obtain a copy of the Current Corporate Communication or how to access the Current Corporate Communication on the Company’s website, please contact the Company’s branch share registrar at (852) 2862 8688 during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Mondays to Fridays, excluding public holidays).

各位股東 (附注):
TOM 集團有限公司 (「本公司」)
- 二零一三年中期業績報告(「本次公司通訊」)之發布通知

本公司之本次公司通訊(英文及中文版)已於本公司網頁(及香港交易及結算所有限公司(「香港交易所」)披露易網頁(登載。 閣下可於本公司網頁主頁按「投資者關係」一項,再在「業績報告」項下選擇「2013年中期業績報告」;或在香港交易所披露易網頁於「上市公司公告」項下搜尋,即可下載及瀏覽本次公司通訊。以上檔案須使用Adobe? Reader?開啟。

倘 閣下因任何理由以致在收取或接收載於本公司網頁的本次公司通訊出現困難或 閣下欲收取本次公司通訊之印刷本,請填妥在本函背面的CCASS申請表格(「CCASS申請表格」),並使用CCASS申請表格下方的郵寄標簽寄回本公司之股份過戶登記分處,香港中央證券登記有限公司(如在香港投寄則毋須貼上郵票),地址為香港灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心17M樓。 閣下亦可把已填妥之CCASS申請表格的掃描本電郵至。

倘 閣下對於如何收取本次公司通訊或如何在本公司網站上閱覽本次公司通訊有任何疑問,請於營業時間內(星期一至星期五,上午九時正至下午六時正,公眾假期除外)致電本公司股份過戶登記分處熱線(852) 2862 8688查詢。


