【今時財經】WASIONs Chairman Mr. Ji increased shareholdings on 17 November, 2014 (只提供英文版本)
鉅亨網新聞中心 2014-11-17 18:34
WASIONs Chairman Mr. Ji increased shareholdings on 17 November, 2014Dear Investors,Our Chairman, Mr. Ji, has increased his shareholdings of Wasion Group Holdings Limited by 354,000 shares at an average price of HK$7.9872 per share on 17 November, 2014. This clearly demonstrate the confidence of the management at our company.To UNSUBSCRIBE or UPDATE your email address, please click or forward this email to with Your Name, Email Address and Email Subject.如阁下希望取消订阅或更新电邮地址,请按或连同阁下之姓名、电邮地址及所收到的邮件标题,转寄至。
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